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This is CASA

Our mission is simple, yet powerful: We empower children and families in crisis to change their narrative forever.

  • Heidi Snarey * Executive Director, CASA Forsyth County
    Heidi Snarey * Executive Director, CASA Forsyth County

    Our volunteers work diligently to be “the eyes and ears of the Court,” and take advocating for these children very seriously.

Our Impact This Year

You can help provide children with safety and stability. By donating to CASA, you will help us recruit, train, and support volunteers who advocate for the best interest of children and ensure their needs are being met. Our hope is that we can depend on you and the generosity of business and community leaders like you to help us achieve our vision of serving 100% of children in the child welfare system in Forsyth County. With your help, we can meet our vision of a trained volunteer advocate, a safe home and a promising future for every child in need in our community.


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  • Children Served


  • Open Cases


  • Volunteers


How to Make a New Year’s Resolution that Sticks

The holiday season is coming to an end, and 2025 is just around the corner. So long 2024, it’s been nice knowing ya! But before we dive into the new year, there’s something to think about: our resolutions.

New Year’s resolutions are a great way to start the upcoming year off on a positive note—hopes for self-improvement, for a better lifestyle, for a more uplifting time. Unfortunately, many New Year’s resolutions ultimately end in failure; they last for the first few weeks before dwindling into forgotten territory. If you want to be sure your New Year’s resolutions really stick for 2025, check out these useful tips on how to keep the habit hopeful.

Make your goal attainable.

The first step in setting a New Year’s resolution is being sure it’s something you can actually accomplish. Let’s be real: losing 50 pounds in a month is probably not going to happen, nor is it a healthy goal. But losing 50 pounds over six months is definitely more realistic and attainable.

By choosing goals that are unrealistic, you’re already setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. When you choose New Year’s resolutions that may not be as “exciting,” but fit more into the lifestyle you’re already living, you make your goals more achievable just by deciding on realistic expectations.

Set clear definitions.

Step number two: make sure your New Year’s resolutions are clearly defined. “Spend more time with my family” is a wonderful aspiration, but what does that really mean? When your resolutions have loose definitions, they’re easier to misinterpret or avoid entirely, resulting in a less-than successful experience.

For example, a more defined goal may be: “Spend one hour every week doing a one-on-one activity with my son.” This goal has the same agenda as the first, but with more defined boundaries, so it’s easier to understand and take practical steps towards accomplishing.

Tell somebody.

Once you have your New Year’s resolutions decided on and defined, tell someone. As silly as it may sound to sit down with a friend or family member and list off your goals for the new year, the practice actually dramatically increases the odds of your overall success.

When we tell other people our goals, they hold us accountable when things become more challenging and we feel like giving up. Telling others our resolutions gives us a support system, encouragement and—most importantly—the goal of being successful for someone else’s sake.

Track your steps.

Once you’ve started working towards your New Year’s resolutions, encourage progress by continuing to track your steps. Set smaller goals along the way, so you continually feel accomplished throughout the process.

For example, losing 50 pounds may seem like a huge, far-off goal, but losing 2 pounds by Friday is much more manageable. Track a step by checking out your favorite local eatery to grab a healthy snack. Follow your progress and celebrate the little accomplishments that lead you even closer to your ultimate resolution.

Get back up.

The road to your New Year’s resolution is definitely going to be challenging at times, but when you fall off course, just remember to get back up. No one accomplishes their goals overnight, so don’t worry if you make a couple of mistakes here and there. The most important thing is to keep your eyes on the end goal and focus on its overall success.

2025 is almost here, and you can start it off right by setting successful New Year’s resolutions. If you want to better your lifestyle, be sure to establish attainable, defined, known goals, and—with a little effort—your resolutions will fall into place.

Our Contributors

  • Automation Direct
    Automation Direct
  • CHOA
  • Rotary Club
    Rotary Club
  • Beaver Toyota
    Beaver Toyota
  • Bagwell Insurance
    Bagwell Insurance
  • Billy Howell Ford Lincoln
    Billy Howell Ford Lincoln
  • Bragg Dental
    Bragg Dental
  • Banks Septic
    Banks Septic
  • Hansard Insurance
    Hansard Insurance
  • Handy Hero
    Handy Hero
  • Bryan Properties
    Bryan Properties
  • United Way
    United Way
  • Acopia Home Loans
    Acopia Home Loans
  • Advanced Dental
    Advanced Dental
  • Sawnee Electric
    Sawnee Electric
  • Advanced Embroidery
    Advanced Embroidery
  • Kohl's Cares
    Kohl's Cares
  • Carper Wealth Management
    Carper Wealth Management
  • Mark Heard Fuel
    Mark Heard Fuel
  • Stars and Strikes
    Stars and Strikes
  • Improving ATL
    Improving ATL
  • Troncalli
  • Cumming Rheumatology
    Cumming Rheumatology
  • CMC Trucking Cindy Mills
    CMC Trucking Cindy Mills
  • Mellow Mushroom
    Mellow Mushroom
  • Jim n' Nicks
    Jim n' Nicks
  • Fred's Beds
    Fred's Beds
  • Southern Oak Provisions
    Southern Oak Provisions
  • CL Burks
    CL Burks
  • Piedmont Bank
    Piedmont Bank
  • Northpoint Mortgage
    Northpoint Mortgage
  • Northside Hospital
    Northside Hospital
  • Eat the Frog
    Eat the Frog
  • Ingram Funeral Home
    Ingram Funeral Home
  • My Forsyth
    My Forsyth
  • Corner Farms
    Corner Farms